Boðleið þjónusta ehf.
Upplýsingar um Boðleið þjónusta ehf. instance of Odoo, the Open Source ERP.
Uppsett forrit
- Sala
- Frá tilboðum til reikninga
- Reikningar
- Reikningar & greiðslur
- Viðskiptatengsl
- Skrá ábendingar og loka tækifærum
- Vefsíða
- Enterprise website builder
- Birgðir
- Manage your stock and logistics activities
- Fjárhagur
- Manage financial and analytic accounting
- Innkaup
- Innkaupapantanir, útboð og samningar
- Verkefni
- Organize and plan your projects
- Stjórnborð vefverslunar
- Sell your products online
- Framleiðsla
- Manufacturing Orders & BOMs
- Tölvupóstsmarkaðssetning
- Hanna, senda og rekja tölvupósta
- Tímaskráningareyðublöð
- Skrá tíma starfsmanna við verkefni
- Rekstrargjöld
- Submit, validate and reinvoice employee expenses
- Studio
- Create and customize your Odoo apps
- Skjöl
- Document management
- Time Off
- Allocate PTOs and follow leaves requests
- Starfsfólk
- Centralize employee information
- Data Recycle
- Find old records and archive/delete them
- Knowledge
- Centralize, manage, share and grow your knowledge library
- License Management
- Manage software licenses.
- Viðhald
- Skrá búnað og stjórna beiðnum um viðhald
- Order From Phone Company
- Form to send an order to the phone company of our choosing.
- User Restriction
- Restrict specific users that don't end '.is'
- Restrict Payment Method - Hide Payment Provider
- Hide a payment method based on product, customer, country, website, & calendar.
- Undirskrift
- Send documents to sign online and handle filled copies
- Þjónustuborð
- Track, prioritize, and solve customer tickets
- Áskriftir
- Generate recurring invoices and manage renewals
- Spjall
- Chat, mail gateway and private channels
- Tengiliðir
- Centralize your address book
- Rental
- Manage rental contracts, deliveries and returns
- Dagatal
- Schedule employees' meetings
- Field Service
- Schedule and track onsite operations, time and material
- Social Marketing
- Manage your social media and website visitors
- Floti
- Manage your fleet and track car costs
- Vefspjall
- Chat with your website visitors
- Appointments
- Allow people to book meetings in your agenda
- Viðveruskráningar
- Skrá mætingu starfsmanna
- Strikamerki
- Use barcode scanners to process logistics operations
- Athugasemdir
- Organize your work with memos and to-do lists
- Payroll
- Manage your employee payroll records
- Hádegismatur
- Handle lunch orders of your employees